Classroom renovation in H.R. MacMillan, Room 360


The existing classroom in H.R. MacMillan, Room 360 is undergoing upgrades and renovations to transform into a 160+ student classroom and lecture space. The renovations will include new architectural finishes, acoustic performance enhancement, new furniture, new audio-visual systems, new lighting, and mechanical systems upgrades.

The intent of this  renewal is to form meaningful, active and collaborative interactions between participants, using innovative technologies and design to enrich the learning experience. The project is anticipated to be completed by September 2023.

This project is sponsored by UBC Learning Spaces to create additional teaching and learning spaces on campus. UBC Learning Spaces supports the creation, operation and maintenance of excellent learning environments for students and faculty on the UBC Vancouver campus.

What to expect during construction

  •  Increased noise at the start of the project associated with demolition.
  • Regular construction noise for the duration of the project.
  • Corridor spaces adjacent to room 360 may be impacted during construction.
  • The renovation areas will be set up with dust barriers under negative pressure to minimize impact on adjacent spaces.
  • There will be electrical and mechanical shutdowns during the construction period as new systems are tied-in. Shut downs will be coordinated and communicated to the building occupancies well in advance.

Looking for an alternative informal space on campus?

Please visit the Learning Spaces website.

For questions or concerns

Craig Bissell, Project Manager

Francois Desmarais, Facilities Manager