Facilities Weekly – August 22, 2023
Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff — The Transition Team has a new name —Technical Review Team | Upcoming road closures on Wesbrook Mall | Annual Facility Condition Assessments of UBC owned buildings | Brock Commons North officially opens its doors | Buses return to University Boulevard bus loop after September 4 | Staying safe during wildfire season | Mobi public bike share network expands into UBC | Reminder: RSVP for Welcome Back Staff BBQ
The Transition Team has a new name —Technical Review Team
The Technical Review team’s mandate includes providing technical feedback and input during the design phases of major projects to ensure that the systems being built and handed over are maintainable for their lifespan and technical guidelines are adhered to (or variances requested and documented). The new name will provide improved clarity on what the team is responsible for, build internal alignment, and better reposition how the team partners and works with our teams within Facilities and UBC Properties Trust.