Facilities Weekly

The Facilities Weekly is distributed by email each week on Tuesday. It contains a summary of the news and events to help team members and colleagues across all the Facilities departments be informed of issues and situations they need to know and/or would help them do their job.

This is an archive of past editions so you can catch up on the latest in Facilities.

For submissions or questions, please email communications@vpfo.ubc.ca.

Jul 23, 2024

Facilities Weekly – July 23, 2024

Thanks for coming to our Facilities Townhall | Understanding roles in the Construction Office | August 2024 exam schedule is now available | Planon internal communications tips | Applications open for the Workplace Wellbeing Ambassador program | Submit your nominations for PCAPPA awards by July 31 | Thanks for joining the ice cream social | Thermal units current operating status | Building safety capacity: Hard hats | Weekly emergency tip: Know the risks in your area

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Jul 16, 2024

Facilities Weekly – July 16, 2024

Facilities Townhall meetings | Ice cream social | Congrats VPFO Day 2024 Survey winners | Thermal units current operating status | NJSS July 2024

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Jul 09, 2024

Facilities Weekly – July 9, 2024

Developing Facilities’ 3-year Road Map | New internal communications functionality in Planon | Facilities’ Ice Cream Social | VPFO Lunch with a Leader winners | Thermal units current operating statuses | Building safety capacity: Dealing with heat stress | Weekly emergency tip: What do you do if you are driving during an earthquake?

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Jul 03, 2024

Facilities Weekly – July 2, 2024

Be mindful of work impacts on classrooms | Developing Facilities’ 3-year road map | Facilities Ice cream social | Upcoming Engineering Road closure | Noise work window | Thermal units current operating status | Campus Energy Centre | NJSS June 2024 | Building safety capacity: preventing and addressing workplace bullying and harassment

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Jun 25, 2024

Facilities Weekly – June 25, 2024

From identifying a maintenance issue to changing the fancoil industry | Building Operations reduces aged work orders by 73% | VPFO Day survey and video | Planon internal comms changes coming July 2 | Facilities Service Guide | Thunderbird Blvd closure | Facilities Ice Cream Social July 17 | Bioenergy from Commercial-Municipal Organic Waste project page | Zero waste market summer swap | Thermal units current operating statuses | Workplace strategies for mental health: the connection between thoughts, emotions and actions | Emergency tip: where is your gas meter?

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