The Transition Team within Infrastructure Development’s Asset Replacement & Improvement has a new name—Technical Review Team, to provide improved clarity on what the team is responsible for, build internal alignment, and better reposition how the team partners and works with our teams within Facilities and UBC Properties Trust.
The Technical Review team’s mandate includes providing technical feedback and input during the design phases of major projects to ensure that the systems being built and handed over are maintainable for their lifespan and technical guidelines are adhered to (or variances requested and documented). The team’s feedback helps ensure that known maintenance issues are not repeated on projects, while also making sure amendments are included in the UBC Technical Guidelines on items that present challenges for operational teams.
Prior to 2020, technical specialists from various departments provided temporary help to ensure successful handover of projects on an ad-hoc basis but were not dedicated to the team itself. This meant that handover (“transition”) of finished projects was the primary focus of the team.
Since mid-2020, the team’s dedicated resources have been tasked with being progressively more involved in providing technical feedback and input during several key stages of projects. This includes significant work during the design phases (from schematic design to Building Permit) in addition to handover activities to successfully transition the finished project and its associated assets to operations and maintenance.
The new name will better reflect the Technical Review Team’s mandate and to provide an operational lens to project delivery teams.