ICICS/CS chiller
The Institute for Computing, Information, and Cognitive Systems/Computer Science building (ICICS/CS) is a 60,000 square foot state-of-the-art, computer science technology research facility at UBC. The facility includes eight shared labs and 38 dedicated labs.
A wide range of research is conducted at ICICS/CS, including biomedical, robotics, multimedia processing, wireless communications, nanotechnology and computational intelligence research. Due to the technical nature of the research equipment required, ICICS/CS is one of the most energy-intense buildings on campus, with year-round cooling requirements.
New Technologies Saving Energy at UBC
In 2014, we replaced the building’s 20 year-old steam absorption chiller with a six-pipe modular heat recovery chiller. This new and innovative chiller is able to recycle waste heat from the building’s process cooling loops, to offset a significant portion of the building’s heating requirements.
Thanks to the new heat recovery chiller, ICICS/CS now consumes 38 per cent less energy, compared to previous years. These energy savings translate into cost savings of over $100,000 annually, and a reduction of 663 tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per year.