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Custodial Services launches new Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM)

The IPM Plan employs an approach to pest control which addresses every factor in pest prevention and eradication, placing an emphasis on humane treatment involving recommendations to occupants on best practices to resolve the issue and using non-toxic and least-non toxic approaches in this respective order.

Installation of Advanced Solar Array at the Thunderbird Parkade rooftop

As part of the Faculty of Applied Sciences’ Smart Hydrogen Energy District (SHED) project, the preparation and installation of an advanced solar array at the Thunderbird Parkade rooftop will begin next week.

Facilities Weekly – August 8, 2023

Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff — Road closure: Agronomy Road (West of Main Mall) | Reminder: Permanent traffic flow change at USB Yard | New powered air purifying respirators (PAPR) units at USB Stores

Metro Vancouver enters Stage 2 water restrictions

As of August 4, Metro Vancouver enters Stage 2 water restrictions and lawn watering is prohibited. UBC continues to follow Metro Vancouver’s watering regulations.

Facilities Weekly – August 1, 2023

Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff — USB Yard: Permanent traffic flow change | Exam period begins Tuesday, August 15 | Staying safe in the summer weather | Reporting a workplace accident or incident | Locker usage at The Centre