Steven Lee is promoted to Learning Spaces team’s Senior Learning Space Planner within Facilities’ Infrastructure Development.

Effective September 5, 2023,  Steven will be leading the Learning Spaces team within Facilities Planning and working closely with partners in AV IT and Scheduling Services to ensure the smooth operation and future planning for UBC General Teaching Space (GTS). Steven will be transitioning into this role and working closely with the incumbent planner, Jodi Scott, until her retirement on October 27, 2023.

Steven has been actively supporting classrooms for over 15 years. He joined UBC in 2008 with the unit Classroom Services, then transitioned to Facilities Planning as a planner in 2012.  Steven has been in his current position as Learning Space Planner since 2018, and he has been primarily focused on renovation projects and maintenance planning for the 350 classrooms that are part of the GTS inventory. In particular, Steven has focused on providing enhanced accessibility within the classrooms, resulting in improved learning spaces for UBC students and instructors.

Known for being an unflappable team player, Steven will bring that approach to the new role as he works with students, faculty, and staff to determine how classroom design can support the future teaching model. His knowledge and experience make him an ideal person to provides a strong voice for learning space development at UBC.

Steven has a Bachelor of Business Administration, and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).  He has recently completed his Change Management Associate Certificate.