Construction: Until August 2024
Construction will begin in June for the Forest Sciences Centre Room 2330/2323 Renovation. The project will transform an existing classroom into a Learn Lab to serve students of the Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management Program.
What to expect during construction
- Expect initial loud noise during demolition.
- Construction noise is anticipated from drilling, hammering and sawing associated to the kitchenette renovation.
- Rooms will be renovated and refinished.
- A temporary electrical shutdown is expected for electrical work – date TBD.
- There will be no access to Room 2330/2323 during construction
For questions or concerns regarding the construction, please contact:
- Daphne Nicolas, Project Manager | 604 827 3404
- Peter Lincoln, Project Coordinator | 604 822 4905
- Francois Desmarais, Facilities Manager | 604 822 0068