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Facilities Weekly – November 26, 2024

Fixing campus drips, drops, and leaks – I’m waiting on review of this piece, we may need to push to next week if I don’t have it | RSVP for the Facilities Winter Event | Road closures and foot traffic expected during fall graduation | Give a thumbs-up to your apprentices | Lunch and learn: Operating Engineers trained in water softening practices | Exploring flexible piping with the Brugg Piping Workshop | Thermal units current operating status | NJSS November 19, 2024

Fixing campus infrastructure breaks, spills, and leaks

Fixing campus infrastructure breaks, spills, and leaks

Addressing leaks is vital to maintaining campus infrastructure and supporting the VPFO’s campus excellence and sustainability goals. The UBC Facilities team has shown their dedication, expertise, and quick-thinking while responding to leaks over the past few weeks.