Facilities Leadership Messages
John Metras, AVP Facilities at UBC, shares his vision, our accomplishments, and our next steps together
Sep 21, 2023
Building a stronger Facilities team
The Facilities leadership team has been working to improve clarity of purpose internally within our Facilities departments and externally with the UBC community, on delivery of our facilities development and operations services to enable students, faculty, and staff to excel in their work at UBC. This starts with internal alignment and the importance of integrating departments into one Facilities team to re-position how we present ourselves to the campus community.
Sep 05, 2023
Making the campus a better place
Today, we welcome students back on campus, and we are seeing them in full force. I encourage you all to take a moment to reflect on your contributions and the impact you have in creating this space for students, faculty, and staff. This is why we are here, and this is our purpose. Every day, we provide and sustain the physical environment for teaching, learning, and research for over 58,000 students and over 6,000 faculty members.
Jul 25, 2023
What we do matters
The ice cream social has always been a significant opportunity for me to personally thank you for everything you do for the university. I see your work and how our team takes on challenges every day to keep the campus running and working. What we do together is immensely important.
Jan 10, 2022
Focusing our resources at the frontline
Our new Facilities organizational structure will enable us to work better together as an integrated Facilities team, and allow for more efficient planning, decision-making and communications. It will also reduce management costs to help address budget constraints and free resources for operational positions where workload and demands are high.
Dec 15, 2021