Facilities Leadership Messages
John Metras, AVP Facilities at UBC, shares his vision, our accomplishments, and our next steps together
Sep 28, 2021
In memory of Joan Shain
It is with great sadness and sense of loss that we inform you of the passing of Joan Shain. Joan was a valued member of the Custodial Services team for over 12 years since July 2009.
Aug 27, 2021
A farewell to Dave Woodson
As many of you are probably aware by now, David Woodson, Managing Director, Energy & Water Services announced that he will be leaving UBC at the end of October. Dave will be taking on the position of Executive Director, Campus Energy, Utilities & Operations at the University of Washington (UW).
Aug 25, 2021
Non-medical masks and BC Vaccine Card
This week, the BC provincial government made updated announcements to help slow the transmission of COVID-19 as B.C. prepares for the fall and respiratory illness season. UBC continues to take direction from the provincial government as we plan and consider next steps.
Aug 18, 2021
New 24/7 Operations Centre structure
Starting Wednesday, September 1, 2021, a new 24/7 Operations Centre structure will take effect. The Operations Centre is the 24/7 hub located within the University Services Building (USB) that will have oversight of the building Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems on the UBC Point Grey campus.
Jul 06, 2021