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In memory of David Meek

In memory of David Meek

It is with a profound sense of sadness and loss that we share the news of the sudden passing of David Meek over the weekend. Dave was a well-known and well-liked Project Coordinator with Building Operations and Infrastructure Development. He joined UBC in August 1999 as a Red Seal Carpenter with a background in high-rise construction.

Michael Smith Labs Aircuity

Michael Smith Labs Aircuity

In 2019, Energy & Water Services completed the first install of an Aircuity system in BC, in the Michael Smith Labs building. The system samples laboratory spaces for common air contaminants, and reduces the amount of outdoor air delivered to the labs when safe. By reducing airflow requirements, heating and cooling loads at the building […]

Real-Time Energy Management

Real-Time Energy Management

While UBC has participated in BC Hydro’s Continuous Optimization Program (C.Op) over the past decade, the approach to identifying energy conservation measures hasn’t changed in that time. UBC’s participation in the Real-Time Energy Management (RTEM) pilot program looked to change that, starting in 2019. This iteration of C.Op was designed to make use of the […]

Centre for Comparative Medicine Optimization

The Centre for Comparative Medicine is a 10,000m2 animal care facility. Not only is CCM one of the larger energy consumers on campus but it is most intensive user of natural gas resulting in a disproportionately high greenhouse gas emissions intensity. The primary driver of energy use in the facility is the ventilation requirements to […]

Basketball Court Relocation

A development permit application has been received for an outdoor basketball court in the parking lot at Thunderbird Boulevard and Health Sciences Mall. This basketball court is intended as a replacement for the existing court on the future site of the Hydrogen Fueling Station (DP21002). A virtual public open house will be held on June 1, 2021 from 12:30 – 1:30 pm, and open for commenting until June 8.  

Building ventilation systems remain our particular focus at UBC

With updated guidance from the BCCDC on building ventilation and COVID-19, the performance of our building ventilation systems remains our particular focus. To ensure our systems are in the best possible operating condition, a Heating and Ventilation Systems (HVAC) working group is evaluating and recommending any further technical measures that will ensure a high safety standard and reduce transmission risks.

UBC breaks ground on $23 million renewable energy hub

A new $23 million renewable energy hub will transform an entire city block at the University of British Columbia into a smart energy district, including the province’s first-ever hydrogen refuelling station for light- and heavy-duty vehicles. The energy hub will become a city-scale, “living laboratory” that explores critical links between energy, transportation and urban design.

In memory of Alexandra Psiharis

It is with deep sadness that we are announcing the unexpected passing of Alexandra Psiharis. Alexandra was a valued member of the Building Operations team for over 30 years. She started on September 21, 1990 in Custodial Services and moved to the Service Centre in 2006.

First Nations Longhouse Expansion

A development permit application has been received for a one-storey 168 sq. m addition to the First Nations Longhouse. The addition will make use of the existing exposed post and beam log structure at the east side of the building. Public comment is open until May 19, 2021.