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Barbara Gordon steps into the role of Acting Director, Capital Planning & Strategic Project Development with Infrastructure Development

Barbara Gordon steps into the role of Acting Director, Capital Planning & Strategic Project Development with Infrastructure Development

Barbara (Barb) Gordon is responsible for developing and coordinating multi-year capital plans for academic buildings and building system upgrades, as well as reporting on major and routine capital projects to the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training (AEST), UBC Administration, and the Board of Governors.

Facilities Weekly – March 29, 2022

Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff. UBC Facilities is part of the VP Finance & Operations (VPFO) Portfolio, and includes six departments—Building Operations, Custodial Services, Customer Services & Informatics, Energy & Water Services, Infrastructure Development, and Municipal Services. Sent on March 29, 2022.

Wesbrook Mall Upgrades

The Wesbrook Mall corridor from 16th Avenue to Chancellor Boulevard is being upgraded in phases to repair the condition of the roadway and enhance safety and user experience for all modes of transportation.

Facilities Weekly – March 22, 2022

Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff. UBC Facilities is part of the VP Finance & Operations (VPFO) Portfolio, and includes six departments—Building Operations, Custodial Services, Customer Services & Informatics, Energy & Water Services, Infrastructure Development, and Municipal Services. Sent on March 22, 2022.

Upgrades to the Campus Energy Centre and Bioenergy Research Demonstration Facilities

Learn more about the anticipated upgrades and renovations to the Campus Energy Centre and Bioenergy Research Demonstration Facilities, including an upgrade to reduce rumbling in the CEC and a project to increase the efficiency of heating the UBC campus.

Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Energy Conserving Measures

The I.K. Barber Learning Centre is the main library on campus. It was built in 2007 and has a gross floor area of 27,000m². The building was a significant user of thermal energy from the District Energy System (DES) due to its size. During investigation of the building, it was discovered that the heat pipe system in […]

Energy conservation measures implemented in I.K. Barber Learning Centre

An energy conservation project was implemented to repair the heat pipe system in the main air handling units (AHUs) to improve thermal energy in the building. Upon completion, the building’s thermal energy demand has been reduced by approximately 22%, saving UBC approximately $11,000 per year in thermal energy cost and reducing emissions by approximately 40 tCO2e per year.

Facilities Weekly – March 15, 2022

Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff. UBC Facilities is part of the VP Finance & Operations (VPFO) Portfolio, and includes six departments—Building Operations, Custodial Services, Customer Services & Informatics, Energy & Water Services, Infrastructure Development, and Municipal Services. Sent on March 15, 2022.

Heat recovery chiller expansion in the Life Sciences Centre

In 2021, a third chiller module was added to an existing two-module heat recovery chiller to maximize more recoverable heat in the building. This additional chiller module will recover 5800 GJ of heat per year, equivalent to reducing thermal consumption by 21%, and is expected to reduce the building’s GHG emissions by 166 tCO2e per year.

A Walk Through Time

Construction work along the sidewalks on the south and south-east side of the Earth Sciences Building has started, as part of an exhibit extension of the Pacific Museum of Earth. The museum will be installing a ribbon of steel plates and displays providing a timeline of significant geological and biological events in Earth’s history.  The construction work is anticipated to be completed by end of April 2022.