Synchronizing our clocks at UBC

There are approximately 1,600 synchronized clocks installed across the UBC Vancouver Point Grey campus. These clocks provide a synchronized time-keeping system for classrooms, lecture halls, research labs, hallways, and public spaces.

As part of UBC’s asset renewal initiative for buildings and equipment on campus, a project has been identified to progressively upgrade all of UBC’s synchronized clock technology in order to improve service reliability for campus users, while reducing long-term maintenance costs. This project is anticipated to be completed in 3-4 years.

Over the next few months, the Facilities team will be leading a comprehensive review of all existing clock locations on campus. Our Facilities Managers will be reaching out to all faculty and departmental building administrators to work together in identifying and prioritizing the replacement of high-uses clock in critical areas, while also identifying and de-commissioning older clocks that no longer provide a critical need to campus users.

The replacement of the clocks will be completed by Building Operations’ Fire & Life Safety (FLS) team at a rate of approximately 300-400 clocks per year. The replacement rate may increase or decrease depending on the availability of capital renewal funding.

For questions and details about this capital renewal initiative, please feel free to contact your Zone Facilities Manager.