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2023 Soft plastic and styrofoam pick-up schedule is available

Did you know that plastic bags (a type of soft plastic) and styrofoam are not currently recyclable at UBC’s sort-it stations? There are several collection points across campus for pickup. If you are generating a significant amount of soft plastic or styrofoam waste, you can participate in our pick-up program.

Facilities Weekly – January 18, 2023

Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff. UBC Facilities is part of the VP Finance & Operations (VPFO) Portfolio, and includes six departments—Building Operations, Custodial Services, Customer Services & Informatics, Energy & Water Services, Infrastructure Development, and Municipal Services. Sent on January 18, 2023.

Facilities Weekly – January 10, 2023

Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff. UBC Facilities is part of the VP Finance & Operations (VPFO) Portfolio, and includes six departments—Building Operations, Custodial Services, Customer Services & Informatics, Energy & Water Services, Infrastructure Development, and Municipal Services. Sent on January 10, 2023.

Nationwide menstrual hygiene supplies shortage

Due to supply chain issues, we are currently experiencing delays in refilling our menstrual hygiene dispensers in washrooms across the UBC Vancouver campus. UBC Facilities is working with our suppliers and distribution centres, however, we do not have a confirmed date when supplies will be available.