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50% off furniture at the Zero Waste Market

50% off furniture at the Zero Waste Market

As spring rolls around, the Zero Waste Market is excited to announce that during April and May, will be 50% off, with some items free. Stop by to check out the furniture, stationary, lamps, and unique vintage items!

Facilities Weekly – March 26, 2024

Do your part and Sort it Out | Ready for the USB Roof Renewal? | Running large reports in Planon | Thermal units current operating statuses | Building safety capacity: Working safely at heights | Weekly emergency tip: Emergency car kits

Do your part and Sort It Out

As we continue our commitment to sustainability, we want to take a moment to remind everyone of the importance of recycling and waste sorting within our buildings, and for office users to continue to sort their personal deskside waste. In 2012, UBC Facilities formally moved towards a self-sort model for deskside waste in offices. Learn more about recycling and waste sorting.

Facilities Weekly – March 19, 2024

Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre repairs | Last chance to apply for the Expression of Interest (EOI) program | Emergency backup generator servicing | April exam schedule is now available | New Job Strategy Sessions | Thermal units current operating statuses | Building safety capacity: incident investigations & documentation | Weekly emergency tip: secure the contents in your house

Facilities Weekly – March 12, 2024

Customer Service Strategy update – Thank you for your feedback | Expression of Interest (EOI) accepting applications | Pink Shirt Day reflection | Thermal units current operating statuses | Building safety capacity: know your Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee representatives | Weekly emergency tip: Disaster response routes

Say Goodbye to the old Power House

Say Goodbye to the old Power House

The demolition of the Power House is in progress to make way for the planned development of the UBC Sauder Power House Expansion. Learn more.

Facilities is one of the recipients of the Campus as a Living Lab ‘Grand Challenge’ funding award

The Campus as a Living Lab ‘Grand Challenge’  encourages faculty and staff to work together on a project to effectively respond and adapt to the climate emergency. UBC Facilities’ Energy & Water Services, in collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Science, received a funding award to undertake the Bioenergy from Commercial-Municipal Organic Waste project. Read more.

Facilities Weekly – March 5, 2024

Facilities one of the recipients of the Campus as a Living Lab ‘Grand Challenge’ Award | Expression of Interest (EOI) leadership development program | Agricultural Road parking restrictions | NJSS February 27, 2024 | Thermal units current operating statuses | BRDF & CEC updates | Preparing for fiscal year end | Zoom chats to be removed after 90 days | Building safety capacity: Daylight Savings | Weekly emergency tip: keep cash on hand

Get to know the senior leadership team: John Metras

Fostering a culture of purpose driven leadership, get to know John Metras, Associate Vice-President, Facilities and his leadership vision: “I am an inclusive, action-oriented leader. I engage and empower my team and collaborate with stakeholders to build and maintain a safe, clean, sustainable and inspiring physical environment that has a long-term transformative impact on learning, research and campus life at UBC.”