Keeping our campus warm
It’s not easy keeping a campus as large as UBC warm throughout the cooler months. Most buildings on the UBC Vancouver campus are connected to a centralized thermal energy system managed by Energy & Water Services. As work carries on at the Campus Energy Center and the Bioenergy Research and Demonstration Facility, we appreciate our thermal operators for continuing to demonstrate adaptability, expertise and collaboration!
April 2023 exam schedule is now available
April 2023 exam schedule and locations are now available on the UBC Student Services website.
Facilities Weekly – March 14, 2023
Weekly updates for UBC Facilities staff. UBC Facilities is part of the VP Finance & Operations (VPFO) Portfolio, and includes six departments—Building Operations, Custodial Services, Customer Services & Informatics, Energy & Water Services, Infrastructure Development, and Municipal Services. Sent on March 14, 2023.
Welcome Frank Laezza!
Today marks the official start of Frank Laezza’s tenure with UBC as our new Vice-President Finance & Operations. As a strong believer in connected leadership, Frank is looking forward to working with the VPFO team of 1400+ people in the oversight of UBC’s core financial, facilities, and safety functions, across both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.