Facilities News

Dale Low joins UBC as Municipal Manager of Soft Landscape in Building Operations

Dale joins UBC from the City of Vancouver where he led a team of program coordinators and support staff responsible for business uses of streets and sidewalks.

EMMS project announces vendor, launches website

The Enterprise Maintenance Management System (EMMS) Project received Board of Governors approval to enter contract with Planon, an industry-leading solution for maintenance, inventory, and asset management and the project is now ready to move forward in concert with the IRP.

UBC Life Building featured in April edition of Award

Editor Natalie Brucker from Award spoke with John Metras, AVP, Facilities on the $29-million renovation of the UBC Life Building (Previously named Student Union Building or SUB).

How to train your robot

When Gurpreet Gill first started at UBC as a custodian in 1989, the Vancouver campus had half the number of students, only a handful of restaurants, and parking cost 25 cents a day. A lot has changed in 29 years for the now Custodial Head Supervisor, including the recent addition of two new robotic team members.

UBC Aquatic Centre recognized for energy conservation and building design

Since opening its doors to the public in the spring of 2017, the UBC Aquatic Centre has become an iconic part of the UBC landscape for thousands of visitors to the UBC Vancouver campus.