Facilities Update

Facilities Update

John Metras, AVP Facilities at UBC, shares his vision, our accomplishments, and our next steps together

Mar 23, 2020

We will get through this together

Over the past short period, we have faced changes and challenges that none of us would have believed possible. The extraordinary steps and measures that we are taking across UBC to limit the transmission of COVID-19 are essential for the protection of our communities both on campus and throughout the region and province.

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Mar 02, 2020

Welcome to Facilities Today

Last year, I took a big step and took on the new role of Associate Vice-President, Facilities here at UBC. Now that the Facilities group has been in place for over a year I have decided that one way I could help everyone on our team see what these transitions mean is to start a simple blog series. I plan to write regularly to share my perspective on our team’s great work and occasionally invite guest writers to tell stories from across the Facilities group.

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