Archives by date

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Our operational priorities

As we head into the new financial year, I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their continued hard work and dedication. I recognize the new systems have been challenging and I am proud of the resilience and continued collaborative efforts of the Facilities team.

Customer Services & Informatics reporting to Facilities, AVP

To reduce redundancies and expand our lens in working better together as one Facilities team to enable excellence in learning and research, the Customer Services & Informatics (CSI) team led by Kishani Gibbons in Building Operations, will report directly to Facilities, AVP.

Decommission of the Power House

The new Water Supply Centre is now completed, and the old water mains at the Power House is scheduled to be disconnected between April 9-14, 2021. To facilitate the work, there will be changes to the flow of water in UBC’s pipe, however, disruptions are not anticipated.