Wesbrook Mall Phase 3
While work is well underway on Wesbrook Mall, the road between Walter Gage Road and Chancellor Boulevard will remain closed until mid-September.
Construction in the westbound lane on Chancellor Boulevard is ongoing with detours in place. The westbound land will remain closed until Monday, August 8 when the work will shift into the eastbound lane and eastbound traffic will be detoured.
For the most up-to-date information about this project, including detour routes and what to expect during construction, please visit the: planning.ubc.ca/wesbrook-mall-upgrades
Thunderbird Boulevard closed for the Transportation Test Bed Project
The westbound lane of Thunderbird Boulevard will remain closed for the rest of the project into Fall 2022 between the Thunderbird Parkade and Health Sciences Mall.
The eastbound lane will be closed every night from 3:00 pm to midnight from East Mall to Thunderbird Parkade from July 25 to August 2.
Third Space Commons
Biological Sciences Lane will be closed to traffic and pedestrians from July 19 to August 2. Vehicle traffic will be detoured to Stores Road. Please refer to the map for more information.
Brock Commons
Walter Gage Road at East Mall will be closed to pedestrians. Please refer to the map for detour routes.