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Facilities Weekly – June 11, 2024

A message from John CIMS Green Building certification | MOA reopening | Updates on construction | Countdown to VPFO Day: 1 week | Thermal units current operating status | Building safety capacity: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) | Weekly Emergency Tip: Do you have earthquake insurance?

UBC Facilities recognized as an industry leader

We are extremely proud to announce that UBC Facilities has achieved the Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) Green Building (GB) advanced by GBAC, with Honours certification.

UBC Facilities recognized as a leader in cleaning with international certification

UBC Facilities achieved the Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) Green Building (GB) advanced by GBAC with Honours certification.  This certification from ISSA, the world’s leading trade association for the cleaning industry, places UBC in the elite top tier of all cleaning service providers world-wide.