Pest management

Report pests

Submit a service request if you notice:

    • Openings/pest entry points in your building
    • Signs of rodents or other pests in your building, such as droppings, damage to structures or furniture, or presence of nesting materials
      • If possible, include the color of droppings as it will help the technicians to determine the effectiveness of poison bait.
    • To submit a service request on Planon, please visit Service Request or call 604-822-2173. We will contact our pest control specialists to respond to the issue as soon as possible.

Integrated pest management

UBC Custodial Services maintains an integrated pest management (IPM) plan, defined as managing pests in a way that protects human health and the surrounding environment, and improves economic returns through the most effective, least-risk option. The IPM uses the least- toxic chemical pesticides, and minimal use of chemicals are used only in targeted locations and only for targeted species.

The IPM plan applies to all academic and administrative spaces maintained by UBC Facilities as per UBC Policy UP13 -Space Management Policy. This plan will be consulted prior to taking action on pest management in the building or on the building grounds. Pests include plants or animals that are detrimental to the property, a nuisance or health and safety concern to building occupants, or unwanted on the building grounds for other reasons.

The IPM Plan employs an approach to pest control which addresses every factor in pest prevention and eradication, including maintenance and sanitation, placing an emphasis on humane treatment involving recommendations to occupants on best practices to resolve the issue and using non-toxic and least-non toxic approaches in this respective order. UBC Facilities’ IPM plan considers damage to building integrity and building user health and safety in its application. The plan does not include any agricultural IPM applications and/or wildlife management services

From insects to rodents, we contract Pest Services through Ecopest Inc. to ensure the program is specific to the UBC Vancouver campus.

View UBC’s integrated pest management plan (IPM)

Rodent management

Rodents are year-round pests. Their activity and indoor migration increase as the weather gets colder and they move indoors for shelter and food.

Prevention of rodents:

Since the contributing factor to a rodent infestation is the presence of food, good housekeeping is essential. This includes the proper storage of foods and garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids. It’s also important to decrease the number of natural food sources near the property by gathering any tree fruit and nuts promptly when they fall to the ground.

Prevent rodents from entering the property by sealing all openings to the outside, especially those around doors and windows, such as cracks or faulty weather stripping. Indoors, seal cracks in corners of cupboards, improperly fitted baseboards, openings around pipes and air vents. Please submit a service request to Planon if you notice any unsealed openings in your building with location information. 

Recommendations to keep rodents away from office spaces:

  • Empty your deskside recycling bins and waste bins daily.
  • Make sure waste bins have tight-fitting lids and are regularly emptied. All the liquid material should be cleaned up after emptying the garbage.
  • Secure food waste, in metal or hard plastic containers that can resist gnawing.  
  • Employees should keep any food in the kitchen rather than in their desk drawers, or store and food at their desks in pest-resistant, un-gnawable containers.  
  • Do not leave any food or snacks out overnight, as these can be highly attractive to rodents and other pests.

Ant management

Ants are one of the most common structural pests, capable of quickly turning from a minor nuisance into a persistent problem. Understanding what attracts ants into your workspace is crucial for effectively managing and preventing infestations.

Causes of ant infestations

  • Food Sources: Access to food, especially sugary or greasy items, attracts ants.
  • Water: Moisture and standing water can draw ants inside.
  • Shelter: Ants may enter structures seeking shelter from extreme temperatures and weather conditions.
  • Entry Points: Small openings and cracks in walls, windows, concrete slabs, and foundations provide entry and potential harbourage for ants.

Preventive measures

  • Maintain Cleanliness: Keep kitchen surfaces, floors, pantries, and work spaces free from food crumbs and spills.
  • Store Food Properly: Use airtight containers for food storage to remove food sources.
  • Manage Waste: Regularly dispose of garbage and keep bins tightly sealed.
  • Eliminate Standing Water: Fix leaky pipes and ensure areas around the home are dry.

Why reporting an ant infestation early is important

  • Early Detection and Control: Reporting ant activity promptly can lead to early detection, which is critical in preventing the colony from establishing and growing. This makes control measures more effective, and less intrusive to you and your work space.
  • Preventing Structural Damage: Some ant species, like carpenter ants, can cause structural damage as they tunnel through wood to build their nests. Reporting infestations quickly can prevent significant damage, and avoid costly repairs.